Why Are We Poisoning Ourselves?  

Spring has sprung, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and all is right in the world! So you've diligently joined the other millions of people in a spot of spring cleaning and starting to feel better about life in general? I don't mean to put a spanner in the works but you may be slowly poisoning yourself. Don't worry though as I have some practical advice for you.

Count up which cleaning products you would need just to tackle a couple of rooms in your house - bathroom and kitchen for instance. You probably have a multi-surface cleaner, a more powerful cleaner for the nasty bits (yuk!), a floor cleaner maybe, air freshener, brightly coloured liquid that resembles alien slime that makes your toilet smell nice. The list goes on but you get the idea.

The manufacturers have been educating us for years now (and it is working) on how brilliant their products are. How we would all die of terrible diseases if we were to stop using their latest product, (which is better than their last one they always add). They tell us how we would be neglecting our duty as a good citizen if we didn't de-contaminate our house so it becomes sterile and un-lived in. Some of these products are so strong that they make your eyes water. You are advised to wear gloves, keep away from your eyes and seek medical attention if it comes into contact with your skin AND you still trust them when it comes to coating all the surfaces in your house with these industrial strength toxic products.

Enough moaning, I could go on and tell you more but I think you get the idea. The good news is that there are alternatives. You may have to experiment with the right recipe or product that suits your needs but once you've got that you'll be well away. It's just about changing the way that you think and act from now on, and ridding your home of those nasty chemicals!

I've done some homework for you to get you started

Use soapnuts. You can use them in the washing machine. I use them all the time for light-normal washes and I can honestly say that our clothes are always clean and fresh. I add a couple of splashes of clear vinegar to the drawer to soften the clothes and to remove stains. I also add a couple of drops of essential oil to make it smell nice.

There is a great company that I use, their prices are good and they also ship worldwide. http://www.gogreen.cellande.co.uk/shop/products/soapnuts/soapnuts.php and I've not had any problems. There is a list of other great things you can use soapnuts for too, including cleaners, soap and dishwasher solution.

If this isn't enough for you try this link to uses for vinegar. Vinegar is strong stuff as you may already know. It's no surprise that it's good for cleaning, and much healthier than the industrial alien slime too. Follow these tips and your house will be gleaming in no time http://www.vinegartips.com/cleaning/

So there you have it. You don't have to compromise your health for heavenly cleanliness in your home. You'll save money, improve your own health and help the environment too.

Just one more tip, don't wear yourself out going mad on the cleaning this week!

Sustainable Living Articles @ http://www.articlegarden.com

By: Kate Would